Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Introduction to "There is room for you"

I never thought I'd start a second blog. But then I never thought my first one would have the readership it does. My original goal nine years ago was to do two things: (1) preserve some family history without keeping a boring journal and (2) provide myself an outlet to write. Writing is therapy for me and decidedly cheaper than a psychiatrist. But after nine years, the whole blog thing has become so much more. Yes, in many ways it's your typical "Mommy blog," that highlights the events of my family, and yes, it successfully provides me an outlet to write. But I would have never predicted how many people would read it. I'm still shocked, actually, by the number of page views I get and thrilled when someone I barely know approaches me and tells me how much he or she liked a particular post. For someone with a skill set as woefully limited as mine, it's gratifying to be able to serve in this way. Highly so.

That said, I find myself wanting to write more about church-related topics, and I'm not sure such topics belong in "itslegs." Many of my "itslegs" readers are not LDS, or any religion necessarily. Several times I've found myself writing, "Disclaimer. This one is going to be churchy. If church isn't your deal, maybe skip this one and come back next time. I won't be mad." This new blog is my attempt to avoid that. I have no idea if it will even catch on, but I find I have much to say, so I've decided to just jump in and write. If no one reads it, that's okay.

The title of this new blog comes from a talk by one of my favorite apostles, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I'm not alone in my feelings about him. I once read a lighthearted definition of President Uchtdorf: "Silver-haired apostle who has all of the women of the church twitterpated and most of the men as well." Indeed!

In the October 2013 General Conference, President Uchtdorf gave a talk titled "Come, Join with Us." In it he says, "Regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church." I love that. Really, I do. As an adult convert, and someone who occasionally feels baffled by the cultural elements that permeate our religion despite my powerful and unwavering testimony of its doctrine, I loved hearing President Uchtdorf declare that there is room for me! Me (!) a liberal Democrat who doesn't cook, sew, or do crafts; an earthy mom who breastfeeds her kids through toddlerhood and who has a different last name than her husband. There is room for me! President Uchtdorf said so, and I believe him.

So join me if you like as we explore some of the cultural idiosyncrasies of our wonderful church, that together we may strive to follow the counsel of President Uchtdorf and welcome everyone, because "there is room for you in this Church."

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